Tag: unbundled media
Brijit – Great content in 100 words or less
Magazine articles, summarized, aggregated, rated, linked. A little NYT-heavy at the moment, but the more users, the more diverse it should get. via Rex. Brijit – Great content in 100 words or less
On the Internet, nobody knows you’re an editor
Try as you might to control the home page of a news site, to set the agenda, to drive readers to the stories you think are most important, readers can find what they want on the Web without your help.
Show off your front pages
David Weinberger describes the unbundling of media in clear terms: “I’ve been saying for a while, and I think in Everything Is Miscellaneous, that the new front page is distributed across our day and our network. Much of it comes through our inbox. It consists of people we know and people we don’t know recommending…
New Radiohead record, suddenly, to be available online in 10 days with a set-your-own-price deal. Heck, for $5, I might pay for it. via Rex. R A D I O H E A D
If you don’t get unbundled media, you’re not selling attention*
Command-and-control, top-down, masthead mass media is dead. Seriously. It’s over, and the readers/users/viewers won. And without getting all “Information wants to be free,” I’ll just say that if you don’t get what Howard** and Zac are talking about here, it’s time for you to start understanding it. Take Howard’s advice, young journalists: “Blogs should be…
Mine, mine, it’s all mine!
I want to save my favorite stories, right here, at your newspaper.com. Because really, what’s the sense in Digging a story about my neighborhood?
Three blog posts I haven’t had the time to write yet
These are not un-busy times. Without further explanation or caveat, here are a few things kicking around in my head, if not necessarily in pixels just yet: What Are You Reporting On?: An explanation of the idea and how the Twitter ID, the Facebook group, the WordPress.com blog, the Knight News Challenge grant application, and…
The Rake Today: Media: Lambert to the Slaughter
“Next Monday appears to be the date for former Star Tribune editor and publisher Joel Kramer to reveal his plans for the launch of a professionally edited and reported online newspaper.” – via Lucas. The Rake Today: Media: Lambert to the Slaughter
The long tail is a newspaper video strategy
Because I just can’t stay away from this topic… Last time we talked about this, I wrote a post shooting down anyone who says we shouldn’t shoot newspaper video unless it’s top-quality stuff we’d, more or less, centerpiece on A1. The responses from my friends in the multimedia blogosphere who shoot stills and video for…