• The Carnival of Journalism Revival Traveling Medicine Show

    A couple years back, a sprawling cadre of journalism bloggers (myself included) participated — at least, for a few months — in a blog carnival. Now without getting into the sordid details of what makes a blog carnival, and [INSERT CRACK ABOUT HOW NOBODY BLOGS ANYMORE BECAUSE YOU ALL HAVE THE TWITTERS AND WHATNOTS], it…

  • Grad school update

    Remember when I went to graduate school at San Jose State University to get an M.S. in Mass Communications? Well, I finished. Here’s the proof, which arrived in the mail a few days ago:

  • Grad school update: I think I’m done

    For those of you keeping score, I started blogging, more or less, when I started graduate school at San Jose State University back in early 2005. As of Monday, April 6, 2009, I’m finished with my M.S. in Mass Communications at SJSU’s School of Journalism & Mass Communications, after turning in my project report and…

  • Spartans, you rock my world

    I spotted a tweet today from Steve Sloan that reminded me there was some sort of awesome road trip going on, wherein San Jose State student journalists are on their way to the inauguration by way of the South, reporting on landmark events in the civil rights movement. Their reports are being run on CNN…

  • Suzanne Yada recommends you grow a pair

    From Suzanne Yada’s resolutions for journalism students in 2009, this bullet point: “Grow some cojones. Let me level with you. The world doesn’t need more music reviewers or opinion spouters. The world needs more people willing to ask tough questions. The first step to reversing journalism’s tarnished image is to have the guts to dig…

  • If you’re not playing, you’re just working.

    Daniel Sato is one of a circle of photojournalists I met at San Jose State University while I was spending a lot of time there working on my (still-but-not-for-long) unfinished graduate degree. Now that whole crew has spread out from the Bay Area across the country and in at least two cases, into Southeast Asia.…

  • Journalism in the Starbucks Era

    Prof. McCune’s JACC 2008 presentation – there’s a bit of me in there, mostly because I couldn’t be there in person or on Skype. Catch me on a weekday, people! Journalism in the Starbucks Era

  • Links that redefine news

    Wednesday night, I’ll be speaking with Steve Sloan’s New Media class at San Jose State University. I’m planning to show off some of the best of your work. Yes, you. I’m looking for online news sites and projects that stray from the traditional definition of news. I’m assuming these journalism students get enough Gloom &…

  • Welcome « NPPA Flying Short Course 2007

    I might actually show up for this on Saturday, as long as the SJSU faculty doesn’t recognize me. Welcome « NPPA Flying Short Course 2007

  • Journalism department receives surprise donation – Spartan Daily

    $300,000! I’m sure there’s gear to be bought, but how about setting some aside to create a faculty fellowship and drawing a New Media rockstar of some sort for a year. Journalism department receives surprise donation – Spartan Daily