How to get ahead in the newsroom

⚠️ This post is more than five years old. Links may rot, opinions may change, and context might be missing. Proceed with cautious optimism.

Steve Outing in E&P:

What seems to be becoming the norm in newsrooms these days is that a growing group of reporters, photographers and editors are now working in jobs where there’s a wide variety of tasks to be done each day: feeding the newspaper’s Web site; writing for blogs and interacting with blog readers; gathering audio for the website and/or radio partners; recording video clips; participating in online chats and discussion forums … Oh, and writing for the newspaper’s print edition.”

Outing goes on to talk with four real live journalists working in real live newsrooms. Three out of four are blogging, and the fourth is a photo editor pushing multimedia content.

What’s the best way for young aspiring journalists to prove to recruiters that they’ve got these skills?

Would you include a link to your blog in a cover letter or e-mail to a recruiter?

Is that the best way to explain to a recruiter that you’re not just scratching out a MySpace or LiveJournal blog? (Note to young aspiring journalists: You probably don’t want to send recruiters to your MySpace page.)

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