Tag: redesign
Basic Maths for Invisible Inkling
Believe it or not, I’ve redesigned this blog, yet again. Well, sort of. Ahem, more accurate: Believe it or not, I purchased the Basic Maths WordPress theme by Khoi Vinh and Allan Cole. So here’s the deal. I’m tired of redesigning this blog. For more than five years, yes, it’s been my primary — albeit…
iA’s 2006 Facebook Designs, Redesigned
A design firm that will be familiar if you’ve followed discussions about online news design over the past few years recently shared their updated mockups for a redesign of Facebook. And they’re pretty. iA’s 2006 Facebook Designs, Redesigned
Minor redesign of this here blog
I’ve been whittling away at this at random hours in between 642 other small projects, so feel free to click through and have a look at my handiwork. Major goals of this minor redesign included: Play with the header graphic. (Done.) Fix the FriendFeed stream and make it useful. (Done.) Clean things up, remove some…
On print redesigns
Brothers and sisters in the print design world, you know I love you. You bust your collective ass day after day to dress up content that may or may not be as award-winning as your design work, and in the end, you usually just get laid off for your troubles. Because when management looks around…
I’ve been quietly working up a redesign for this blog at random moments a few minutes at a time. I was due to make a change — the last iteration lasted more than eight months. You’ll find the usual bells and whistles and links down low, past a few recent posts. Differences and details: Bluer.…
Obligatory post explaining the redesign of this site
For those of you keeping score at home, this is the sixth different design I’ve used, if we start keeping track back at Blogspot in 2005.
im in ur filez, redezning ur websitez
I’m starting to peel back the layers of plugins and turn on some new stuff, so don’t be alarmed, dear readers (both of you), if things break around here for parts of tonight and tomorrow. So, why not go look at some cute cats instead of reading the usual hand-wringing, eh? (Five minutes later…) …Well…
Unexpected browser/resolution combinations
I’ve been tweaking the design of this site, doing less and less testing in IE6, but yesterday I saw something I hadn’t thought of. Wish I had a picture, but you’ll have to imagine it for now: Some editors and page designers keep their monitors oriented vertically, instead of horizontally. Combine that with IE6, and…
Get more email from me
You can now subscribe to this blog by email, if you’re into that sort of thing. All of you glued-to-your-inbox types can shift your gaze over to the sidebar, enter your address, and off you go. RSS readers are more than welcome to switch over to the new version of my feed, which might do…