Tag: Independent-Thought

  • I’m exactly as pompous as I sound. No more, no less.

    If, for any reason, you can’t get enough of me prattling on and on about the future of newspapers in text, you can enjoy 33 minutes of me getting interviewed by Cameron Reilly, who apparently is the king of all podcasting in Australia. If you’re reading this, chances are you’ve heard me say all this…

  • The best thing about being on a team…

    …is that you don’t have to do everything yourself. That’s what I’m finally learning after 3.5 months at my new job. Everyone has a specialty, and the best thing you can do is let everyone do what they do best, whether it’s design, code, manage, write, shoot, edit, record, or evangelize. I spent my lunch…

  • I covet your WordPress 2.1

    So WordPress 2.1 is out, and it comes with some great new features, but if you’re like me, and you run a few outdated plugins and have hacked up your templates based more on instinct than actual coding knowledge, things might not go quite as planned. I’m not paranoid, I’m just not going to continue…

  • Don’t get wrapped up in the ‘so-called pajama media’

    In this wide-ranging interview with Bryan Murley of Innovation in College Media, Gatehouse Media’s Howard Owens points out what I battle through in conversations with both journalism school faculty and students over and over again: ICM: Which leads a little bit into my next question … The online media universe has been changing dramatically over…

  • I dreamt I was in a social media class…

    …and the textbook was the Henry Jenkins book which has been sitting relatively uncracked on my bedside shelf for a couple months now. Does that mean I’m supposed to read it, or that the Mass Communications program at school should have a social media class? Luckily, I don’t have time to think about that. I…

  • Surprises/No Surprises

    Back from vacation and the first day back at the office, here are a few quick reviews and observations: Surprises Casino Royale: Best Bond ever? Maybe. Certainly a re-invention of the formula, with actual character development and relationships. Frankly, it was awesome. I was marking out the whole time. “OMG he ordered the drink for…