Who Needs Ink? Ceppos, Gillmor, and more at a panel talk tonight, free for students

⚠️ This post is more than five years old. Links may rot, opinions may change, and context might be missing. Proceed with cautious optimism.

There’s a Commonwealth Club event on the Future of Newspapers tonight at San Jose City Hall.

It’ll cost non-members $15, which I think is a little weird for a public event at City Hall, but whatever. It’s free for students, so check that link and read the fine print. I called the number and left a message with my info, so hopefully I’ll end up on the list. If so, you can expect a post or two about it from me tomorrow. (I’d blog a little bit live tonight, but I doubt the SJSU wireless reaches City Hall. Anyone know if that flashy new building has an open wifi network?)

See you there…

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