Tag: San Francisco

  • Giant riot? I tuned into #sfscanner in the middle of the night…


  • San Francisco

    Yesterday, news broke that Hearst will close the San Francisco Chronicle if it a) can’t dramatically reduce costs (read as: cut payroll in half) or b) find a buyer (it won’t). Analysis: Alan Mutter Mark Potts Ken Doctor Although it is likely that you will hear and see a copious amount of handwringing in the…

  • I like San Francisco signage

    The last time I was in San Francisco, I battled with a bout of nostalgia as I missed the real City. But hanging out in North Beach yesterday, I remembered the thing about San Francisco I noticed a few years back: The signage hasn’t been updated in 20 years or so. Check out the old-school…

  • After New York, every other American city is just an empty shell

    I’m going to do something karmically dangerous here.  This will surely ruin the rest of my day, get me stuck on the BART, make me step in dog crap, who knows what, but I just can’t hold back any longer. Every time I walk around in San Francisco — mind you, I’m usually either in…

  • 10 things I heard at the AEJMC convention today

    Let me tell you about my first time … at the AEJMC convention. Seriously, I had never been to a conference or convention that was about my own field before today. I mean, I’ve hung out with the physicists and the photographers and maybe even the real estate data information professionals back when I was…

  • Blog research at the AEJMC convention

    For next week’s trick, I’ll be both a reporter and a student at the AEJMC convention. I’m planning on showing up Thursday morning to the citizen journalism session and later in the day for the “What’s Next for Newspapers and for Journalism Education? – A Continuing Discussion” session. Of course, I might want to duck…

  • Sailing

    San Francisco Bay, aboard Voyager. I still feel like I’m on the boat. In other news, you should really go see that Pirate movie that’s in theatres now. It was awesome. I hear Part 3 is going to be…. Rated Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

  • Wabbit season, duck season, conference season, soccer season

    I missed Vloggercon and Bloggercon. Gnomedex was too far away. The World Cup – also a bit of distance to cover (Yeah, so we were in Italy for most of it, but who’s counting.). Okay, that wasn’t a conference, and I did manage to watch quite a bit of it, including the final (Forza Azzurri!).…

  • Now this is more like it

    I’m at a tiny little diner/coffee shop in San Francisco, and there’s nine open networks and about ten closed ones. Thanks “default,” whoever you are… I’m around the corner from SixApart, and I have no idea how many other companies/bloggers/a-listers that flash across my aggregator.  Palo Alto definitely looked like VC country, and this definitely…

  • In Palo Alto, San Francisco today

    I’m working my way up the 280 to the San Francisco financial district today. Is there something cool I should do? Someone I should meet? A conference I should crash? Let me know… [UPDATE: Or not… looks like I’ll hit SF tomorrow…] For the record, as I update this a little later in the day,…