Tag: new-media
A pair of photojournalism events at SJSU
If you’re a photojournalist, an art photographer, or a J-School student interested in multimedia journalism, you should check out Dai Sugano’s talk Thursday April 13th at an SJSU NPPA event. Sugano shoots for the San Jose Mercury News and works on a small team of photographers, editors, and web producers putting together multimedia presentations at…
Katie, Katie, Katie: Why the anchor is still important
A handful of New Media pundits have been questioning the wisdom CBS had in hiring Katie Couric away from the Today Show to plant her in the anchor’s chair on the evening news. Granted, CBS is spending gobs of money they could be putting into other projects, but think about this: With more unbundled media…
Redesign round-up: The New York Times
The New York Times launched a redesigned home page yesterday, with Multimedia and Video high enough on the page to make me happy, and a cute little “Most Popular” tabbed box that includes the stories getting e-mailed and blogged the most, as well as the top search terms on the site. It gets better. Click…
Who Needs Ink? A panel discussion on the Future of Newspapers
Commonwealth Club event at San Jose City Hall: Who Needs Ink? Who’s here? Ex-Mercury News tech writer Dan Gillmor, currently of various citizen journalism initiatives Jerry Ceppos, ex-Knight Ridder news executive (and Merc alum) Peter Appert, a Goldman Sachs analyst Joan Walsh, Salon‘s editor-in-chief Jim Bettinger, communications prof from Stanford (and Merc alum) is moderating…
Who Needs Ink? Ceppos, Gillmor, and more at a panel talk tonight, free for students
There’s a Commonwealth Club event on the Future of Newspapers tonight at San Jose City Hall. It’ll cost non-members $15, which I think is a little weird for a public event at City Hall, but whatever. It’s free for students, so check that link and read the fine print. I called the number and left…