Tag: Mercury News
The Carnival of Journalism Revival Traveling Medicine Show
A couple years back, a sprawling cadre of journalism bloggers (myself included) participated — at least, for a few months — in a blog carnival. Now without getting into the sordid details of what makes a blog carnival, and [INSERT CRACK ABOUT HOW NOBODY BLOGS ANYMORE BECAUSE YOU ALL HAVE THE TWITTERS AND WHATNOTS], it…
Richard Koci Hernandez in slides
For weeks, I’ve been meaning to get Richard Koci Hernandez on the phone for a quick podcast about his move from the San Jose Mercury News to the faculty of UC Berkeley. That phone call hasn’t happened yet, but hey, here’s a story about Koci put together by Cal Poly journalism student Lauren Rabaino. The…
RIP Mercury News – Michael Bazeley
Mike’s thoughtful (and painful) take on the falling fortunes of the Merc go into some detail about the organizational challenges faced by those who would innovate there if they were free to. RIP Mercury News – Michael Bazeley
Mercury falling
[NOTE: What follows is a view of the last two years of trouble at the San Jose Mercury News from my personal point of view, as a graduate student in the neighborhood, a reporter (and later as an editor) working for the same parent company, and even as a reader. I don’t pretend to know…
Rethink carefully.
I’m posting the following as a comment on the Mercury News Rethink blog in response to Jay Rosen’s call for input as to how a Merc beatblogger on green technology could have covered the “Al Gore joins Kleiner Perkins” story this week. I’m going to throw a monkeywrench at the Rethink works here, just to…
Seven notes, six links
Hypothesis: Dooce is (still) one of the best things on the Interweb. Plea: Jay Rosen has the beatblogging with a social network thing worked up pretty clearly at this point, but if the project doesn’t leave behind tools (a WordPress theme, a Drupal module, a useful set of forms — something more tangible than good…
Death of four on South San Jose road stuns friends, neighbors – San Jose Mercury News
“For all the bouquets and farewell notes they’d left on the tree where Satterstrom’s 2003 Nissan 350Z finally came to a rest, all the friends got back was the low hum of suburbia baking in the noonday sun.” Death of four on South San Jose road stuns friends, neighbors – San Jose Mercury News
Kava’s Radio Soup
Brad Kava blogs: “This will be a place to read news, opinions and comments from radio listeners and station staffs, all unfiltered through the dull, lifeless and characterless editors that made you stop reading newspapers in the first place.” Kava’s Radio Soup
Rodriguez: Taco truck sales divide Salinas Latinos – San Jose Mercury News
“As the sun dips lower and the Pacific wind blows in, Reynaldo Pimentel rolls La Perla onto the grainy streets of East Salinas, and into a spicy battle.” Rodriguez: Taco truck sales divide Salinas Latinos – San Jose Mercury News
Friday Night:Boswell’s – Mercury News Photo
Okay, this one I like. It’s a video in a bar about hanging out in a bar on Friday night, people trying to pick each other up. It’s straightforward but still artfully shot and edited. A nice medium between News and Artsy. Friday Night:Boswell’s – Mercury News Photo