Tag: Education
More on the online skills study that made me say Wow
Rich Cameron at the JACC blog reacts to the finding that college experience with CMS tools, HTML and Photoshop will help j-school students get jobs in online news: “Those papers that post PDF only or use non-content management systems are cheating their students. College Publisher is the cheapest, but not only content management system available.…
The Internet is for democracy
The Center for Citizen Media has lifted the curtain on what it’s planning to do with a Sunlight Foundation grant. It’s a political transparency project, with the goal of gathering everything there is to know about this year’s race for the 11th congressional district here in California, featuring incumbent Richard Pombo (R-Tracy). All nonpartisan caveats…
Search query of the day
Wherein I start a new feature, in which, on a daily basis, I bring you the most inspiring search query which pops up in my referrer logs: “journalism school easier than law school” Hmm.
Reinvent one thing at a time
I’ve had an exciting week. Talking to profs and students at the AEJMC convention really lit the proverbial fire under my ass, and I’ve been able to get started on a database (Okay, so it’s just a spreadsheet at the moment.) that will be the kernel of my thesis data. Meanwhile, I put together a…
Making the inconvenient accessible
We finally made it out to see An Inconvenient Truth last night. Remind me again why Al Gore isn’t running for President in 2008? Sorry, but I haven’t heard a good enough reason. Personally, I’d like to see him grow his beard back, put on a flannel shirt and a pair of jeans, and go…
Conference call
I’ll be at AEJMC today in San Francisco, probably in the ethics and citizen journalism panel in the early morning and then the newspapers and journalism education panel at midday. Where will I be in between? Hanging out in the hallway, talking to you. But watch out – I’m working on a story, so I…
Career paths of glory
(Just thinking out loud here…) There’s the multimedia producer version, where I keep learning Flash and web design until I can get myself a job putting together interactive graphics and training others to do it. Extra points here for my video editing skills and general understanding of visual style. Those four years of film school…
Wabbit season, duck season, conference season, soccer season
I missed Vloggercon and Bloggercon. Gnomedex was too far away. The World Cup – also a bit of distance to cover (Yeah, so we were in Italy for most of it, but who’s counting.). Okay, that wasn’t a conference, and I did manage to watch quite a bit of it, including the final (Forza Azzurri!).…
Geeks for journalism or journalism for geeks?
Lex Alexander, Greensboro News-Record citizen-journalism guru, in a post about a community meetup to talk about the paper’s online CJ section: “We frequently get asked why we don’t do X, or whether we have ever thought about doing Y. Regarding Y, the answer is “probably.” But the N&R’s news department has an appetite for doing…
2006 Commencement Address
…delivered by Stephen Colbert at Knox College in Illinois. 2006 Commencement Address