Deadline Day, v1.0

⚠️ This post is more than five years old. Links may rot, opinions may change, and context might be missing. Proceed with cautious optimism.

Today I turn in 12, count ’em, 12 copies of my 33-page thesis proposal. (The first draft was longer, believe it or not.)

I finished it up last night shortly before 1am, but it’s safe to assume I’ll get it back in September with conditional approval (I hope) and notes on mechanical changes, plus a few pleas for more Rogers and a more detailed explanation of the qualitative analysis I’m planning.

Nonetheless, turning it in now means I get at least two if not three weeks off from screwing around with it, although my preliminary data gathering will continue unabated.

Oh spreadsheet with full little cells, how I pine for thee.

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4 responses to “Deadline Day, v1.0”

  1. Andrew Venegas Avatar
    Andrew Venegas

    hey, CONGRATS!

  2. 33 pages? pah. lightweight! 😉 just kidding of course. congratulations on finishing such a huge project!

  3. It’s been a long time coming, congrats!

  4. […] My thesis proposal was conditionally approved yesterday, which means I can go ahead and start navigating the murky waters of the human subjects paperwork required by IRB. […]