If anyone knows a good zombie, send them my way: My Brain Is Full.
Things I’ve Sort Of Been Paying Attention To:
- Adam Curry recorded the 200th episode of his Daily Source Code podcast (mp3) live on stage at Gnomedex, blasting a Paradise City/Sgt. Pepper mash-up which has inspired me to dump all my hard rock CDs onto my iPod for treadmill-oriented purposes. Along with the pep talk “We Are The Media” rhetoric, Curry makes some great points about the need for users and developers to step into each other’s shoes from time to time.
- iTunes 4.9 has shipped, with all sorts of tasty podcast subscription and directory toolage. I’ve uninstalled BadFruit, the OdeoSyncr, and iPodder. Welcome to the 30 million iTunes users who just said “Podcasting?”
- I’ve been making lots of progress on hooking up the SJSU Spartan Daily with RSS feeds. More on this later today if I have time.
- SJSU Interactive Technology Consultant and Help Desk guru Steve Sloan has a first amendment battle ahead of him. His boss has decided that his blogging and podcasting, done on his own time with his own hardware, is part of his job description, and thus subject to censorship and control. Specifically, Steve has been told he is not allowed to talk with students on his podcast. For lack of a better term, this is a load of crap, and won’t last.
- President George W. Bush did a little jig last night as he delivered a speech, making all sorts of implications and statements about the link between September 11, 2001 and Iraq. Are you kidding, Mr. President? “Catapult the Propaganda” indeed.