Year: 2019

  • Leaving behind WebFaction

    I started hosting This Website with WebFaction in 2008, just after moving to Rochester, with the plan of also using WebFaction’s notably flexible and well-supported systems to host sites using Django (ReportingOn), and ended up using them for multiple other WordPress sites that came up from time to time, as well as other experiments, side…

  • Days twenty-nine, thirty, and thirty-one: Reflections on trying to blog every day for a month

    I didn’t blog every day for a month. I didn’t miss by much, but it’s definitely easier to be disciplined about it at home than it is on the road. I thought it would be a good experiment, writing slightly longer, compared to a tweet, and it often felt satisfying to mash the publish button.…

  • Days twenty-seven and twenty-eight

    Written on the morning of the 29th, natch. Whenever I hear the words “business traveler,” I picture someone older than me in a suit. When I travel for work, I see those people, and except for the single-meeting trips where I might wear a suit jacket (honestly, I have no idea what’s a sport coat…

  • Days twenty-five and twenty-six

    Hey this daily habit thing is challenging! Whatever I thought I might write about today was just wiped clean because we just watched BlacKkKlansman and it’s going to take a few minutes to recover. Spike still has some shots left in him, that’s for sure. I remember one time he gave a talk at NYU,…

  • Day twenty-four

    Part of what I love about Vampire Weekend is the fact that my wife likes their music, too. Spend your life with someone, and it’s nice if there’s not just music you can enjoy together, but music you can enjoy together across multiple states on road trips, for the 19th time, playing on repeat, and…

  • Day twenty-three

    When I was in third grade or so, I thought “23” was going to be the perfect age. I’d be out of college, a successful adult in the world, driving my Maserati or whatever I thought was cool — but not that cool — as an eight-year-old, and living the good life as the founder…

  • Day twenty-two

    A busy day of work and parenting, somehow fitting in XBox skating with the boy and measurable progress on the Vargas Llosa book I’m reading (translated into English), but practicing my Spanish has been one of the highlights of my week so far. I’ve explained hundreds of times, en Español: Soy de Miami, y cuando…

  • Day twenty-one

    It was so cold today here that I ended up with Tom Waits in my head: “…colder than a welldigger’s ass…” And I can’t remember now if Diamonds on my Windshield is on Heart of Saturday Night or if I first heard it on the hilarious/sad/underwhelming Beat Generation box set I bought myself (likely with…

  • Day twenty

    Yesterday, we watched Temple of Doom with the kids (well, the one who was stubborn enough to stay on the couch and suffer through it with us). Let me be the last one to tell you, it is as bad as you remember. I knew I had never really seen the whole movie more than…

  • Days seventeen, eighteen, and nineteen

    I’ve been dealing with what appears to be literally the flu, which seems to justify some excused absences from blogging here. We’re getting to the age where “living vicariously through your children” becomes a viable thing to do. They’re not what anyone would call “overscheduled,” but we do get out to swimming and soccer a…