Expand your media blogosphere today

⚠️ This post is more than five years old. Links may rot, opinions may change, and context might be missing. Proceed with cautious optimism.

Like many readers of blogs about the news business, I started big. As in, with the big guys, the heavy hitters, the bloggers who showed up in Romenesko and were hard to ignore. The Jays and Jeffs and Dans of the media blog world.

I’ve dramatically expanded my reading list since then, but meeting journalists and bloggers through Wired Journalists has led me to even more.

Here are a few you should add to your reading list if you’re ready for some expansion:

Enjoy. Follow those links down the rabbit hole, find more unsung media blog heroes, and add your own list here or, hey, on your own blog.

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6 responses to “Expand your media blogosphere today”

  1. […] Expand your media blogosphere today. Some recommendations from Ryan Sholin, because you can never have too many media blogs. […]

  2. Mark Luckie Avatar
    Mark Luckie

    Thanks for the love! Now to sign up for WiredJournalists…

  3. […] Ryan Sholin of Invisible Inkling links to a number of media bloggers. […]

  4. […] a lot of talk in the “media blogosphere” about what business models newspapers will have to come up with to stay alive much longer […]

  5. Thanks for this! And the network grows again!

  6. Hi Ryan,
    Scoble turned me on to your website and I think it’s great. We’d love to link up with you over at PitchEngine where we talking the same language from a PR and media perspective in house and out. I’ll spread the word!