The good stuff is over there –>

⚠️ This post is more than five years old. Links may rot, opinions may change, and context might be missing. Proceed with cautious optimism.

If you prefer my tweets and shared reader bits and delicious links to the infrequent and sometimes long-winded content here at what passes for a blog, click on through from that reader of yours and take a look at the right side of your screen. (Actually, let me check that in a few browsers first… OK, we’re cool.)

You’ll find a stream of links, and some other stuff that was buried a bit lower until a few minutes ago.


(Thanks to the folks at SimplePie, especially for the WordPress plugin. It. Is. Rather. Simple.)

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2 responses to “The good stuff is over there –>”

  1. Cool feature Ryan.

    I think it might be adding to your page-load time however. It was a bit slow for me.

  2. Give up on the simple, one column look?