World Photo Day

⚠️ This post is more than five years old. Links may rot, opinions may change, and context might be missing. Proceed with cautious optimism.

World Photo Day ended at 5pm Pacific (midnight GMT), but you can still upload an image you captured anytime on June 1st.

I pocketed my digital Point & Shoot on the way to the Santa Cruz Farmers’ Market (I fully believe that apostrophe belongs there) and grabbed a few images. I ended up posting this one to the World Photo Day site:
Santa Cruz Farmers' Market
The mandarins are long gone, and these guys were pushing Valencias. If we had a juicer, I’d be down – but the knife and fork method doesn’t do it for me, so we’ll stick with Blood Oranges from New Leaf for now.

I also took this photo of what I can only describe as the third-string balloon twister in this town:
Third String Santa Cruz Balloon Twister

Check out the World Photo Day site, and try the Search button out to see what people from your neck of the woods posted.


2 responses to “World Photo Day”

  1. Very cool — I had fun with WPD and it looks like you did as well. Good Job!

  2. Thanks Dennis – the most exciting thing about it was the deadline – I left the house around 330pm to do the actual vegetable shopping at the market, took seven shots while I was there, stopped at New Leaf for a few more things, then raced home to transfer the shots, edit, and upload by around 430pm. It was only later in the evening that I noticed the *upload* deadline was a day later. Heh. Oh.