Tag: storytelling
The new utility belt
Robin Sloan calls it: Twitter, Dropbox, and Google Forms are the three key tools of the moment for real-time creative collaboration. The new utility belt
Cross-pollinate or shrivel
I’m profoundly enthralled by things like rapid news-driven development in Django, and building a CMS that can switch from a beautiful feature layout to a Drudge-like breaking news linkbomb on a dime, and of course, leveraging the steady stream of free embeddable tools showing up online every day for your own newsy purposes. But none…
Inventing journalism
I’ve been reading Guns, Germs & Steel for months now. (I take these bound paper items you people call ‘books’ slowly sometimes.) There’s a number of striking stories about technology, innovation, and invention in the chapter I’m in the middle of right now. One of those stories is about the QWERTY keyboard layout, which was…
Be Kind Rewind Director Michel Gondry Forgoes Dreamy Plots for Straight-Up Comedy – Wired Magazine
Gondry > You. Be Kind Rewind Director Michel Gondry Forgoes Dreamy Plots for Straight-Up Comedy – Wired Magazine
The Whale Hunt / A storytelling experiment / by Jonathan Harris
Not my favorite subject matter to say the least, but an immersive-obsessive approach to storytelling nevertheless. The Whale Hunt / A storytelling experiment / by Jonathan Harris
Not just a homicide map – OJR
More from Sean and Katy on the Not Just A Number project running at the Oakland Tribune. Not just a homicide map – OJR
The eleventh obvious thing: Your subscribers are dying
Here’s a newsroom exercise sure to drive a stake of fear squarely into the heart of your circulation manager: Count the number of obituaries printed in your paper in the last year for local residents over the age of 60. Now compare that number to your paper’s drop in circulation over the same period. If…
Blurring Boundaries: What Print Journalists Can Learn from Video Editors – Poynter Online
Video editors on audio slideshows and editing for the screen. Good tips here on leading the viewer’s ears with audio, knowing when to use cuts vs. fades. Blurring Boundaries: What Print Journalists Can Learn from Video Editors – Poynter Online