Tag: redesign

  • Header graphic nostalgia

    New header graphic and a couple other visual tweaks here today. The image is Somewhere East of Albuquerque, and I took it while driving a U-Haul truck full of all my worldly things, probably on September 3rd or 4th, 2001. It was a little less than five years ago that I met the woman who…

  • Ongoing redesign

    It’s not quite done yet – I’ve installed most of the stuff I was excited about, including ajax commenting, tags, and asides. Now I’m left with the task of making everything play together neatly. I don’t need tags on my Asides, and I don’t need any additional tags on my nightly delicious links, and I…

  • Redesign continues

    Still working on the site – I’m trying out Ultimate Tag Warrior, a heavyweight plugin that should let me lay a bunch of tags on my posts and call them up in a tag cloud in my sidebar. You’ll also be able to click on tags at the bottom of each post to see more…

  • Redesign underway…

    Pardon the dust.