Tag: pligg
Building communities from Twitter posts — Matt McAlister
Interesting method — run search.twitter.com feeds into a Yahoo Pipe and route that into Pligg, plus, spit a twitterfeed with a prefix back out to the mothership. Little to no code involved, but no database pivot points at the Pligg site (like usernames, tags, dates, etc.) I think. Building communities from Twitter posts — Matt…
A community site without a community – Matt McAlister
Pligg can now import RSS feeds – could be REALLY interesting if you let it import all your newspaper’s story and blog feeds and then let readers vote and comment on their favorites… A community site without a community – Matt McAlister
How to juggle multimedia and Digg interactivity
In two back-channel online news discussions this week, folks have been debating how newspapers should be gathering video and how they should handle comment moderation. The video discussion among Howard Owens, Mindy McAdams, and others, is notable because the question is no longer IF newspapers should be running video online (Yes) or HOW they should…