Tag: passionate+authoritative

  • Reinventing, rebranded and reloaded

    Bryan Murley of College Media Advisers and the Reinventing College Media crew have, um, re-invented themselves as the Center for Innovation in College Media. From the send-off post at the old site: “This new Center will serve as a resource to college journalists and their advisers by sharing information freely online and by providing practical…

  • A framework for networked journalism

    Jay Rosen lays all his cards on the table, posting his plans for NewAssignment.net, a to-be-constructed site where reporters and The People Formerly Known As The Audience can party together. And by “party together,” I mean the masses can use all their social bookmarking/tagging/networking power to point to the stories they want to see covered…

  • World gets flatter, film at 11

    Scoble quits Microsoft, moves back to Valley, goes to work at podcasting start-up. Sounds like a great move, whether or not PodTech.net becomes one of the New New Networks or not. Why? Something I learned working retail: As soon as your boss calls you “indispensable,” it’s probably time to quit, because if they can’t replace…