Tag: new-york-times
FAQ on how the New York Times handles comments
New York Times Public Editor Margaregt Sullivan on their workflow and editorial collaboration on the question of comments: Questions and Answers on How The Times Handles Online Comments From Readers
Dear Blogosphere, There’s more to newspapers than The New York Times
I’ve been holding back on this for a long time, and I write enough about the Web development team at nytimes.com enough to be held to this as well, but really, I’m incredibly tired of reading media and technology bloggers debate the future of news as if the only existing newspaper in the world is…
Technology is easy; labor is hard
Aron Pilhofer of nytimes.com on the hardware, software, and costs associated with building the best interactive data projects in the news business: Everything we use is free and open-source. Our platform is Ruby on Rails backed by Mysql databases running on Ubuntu servers. The cost here isn’t software, or even hardware, which is relatively cheap…
Sunday morning links: Data, DocumentCloud, and the Obama Bounce for news
A few things I haven’t had time yet to dig deeper on, but maybe you will: Eric Ulken offers of 10 pieces of advice at OJR, based on his experience building the data desk at the LA Times: “4. Go off the reservation: No matter how good your IT department is, their priorities are unlikely…
Watch out for secondary characters with more interesting stories than your protagonist
That’s good advice up there in the title of this post. I got it from a screenwriting teacher, and it’s been a running joke around our house for the last week based on a couple movies we’ve watched lately. And it’s also good advice for narrative journalists. But that’s not what this post is about.…
Everybody’s Talking Heads
I’ve seen David Byrne’s blog post about a visit to the New York Times in too many places today to figure out where I saw it first. Here’s my favorite graf: “At present, it is mostly the ads in the Style section, and the glossy Sunday and T magazines that pay for a disproportionate amount…
Seven notes, six links
Hypothesis: Dooce is (still) one of the best things on the Interweb. Plea: Jay Rosen has the beatblogging with a social network thing worked up pretty clearly at this point, but if the project doesn’t leave behind tools (a WordPress theme, a Drupal module, a useful set of forms — something more tangible than good…
On the Internet, nobody knows you’re an editor
Try as you might to control the home page of a news site, to set the agenda, to drive readers to the stories you think are most important, readers can find what they want on the Web without your help.