Tag: mobile
How to turn every reader’s mobile phone into a newsroom of one
On the occasion of the second stop on the Carnival of Journalism revival tour, we’re provided with a wide open question: Considering your unique circumstances what steps can be taken to increase the number of news sources? So without much further ado, we’re going to have a little “NOW IT CAN BE TOLD” moment here…
Be a silobuster
Remember the great print vs. online war of 1995-2005? Well, some of you are probably still fighting this war, eh? Not everyone got the news yet, but the war is over, and the silobusters won. Anyway, you’re going to think this is crazy, but lately I’ve spotted a new silo developing, over there in the…
ONA Nashville: Smart Phones for Smart Journalists
Jack Lail from the Knoxville News Sentinel will be leading this one-day mobile seminar at ONA Nashville on April 9th. ONA Nashville: Smart Phones for Smart Journalists
Street by street, block by block
Back in the early days of grad school, when questions about the future of online advertising came up, I was bullish about the future of location-based mobile advertising that would by contextually relevant to the content you were viewing and the place you were sitting. I was wrong about a big piece of how this…
MoFuse – Create a Mobile Website, Mobile Site Builder, Make Your Existing Site Mobile Friendly
MoFuse – Create a Mobile Website, Mobile Site Builder, Make Your Existing Site Mobile Friendly
The A Word: Information and Activism – MediaShift Idea Lab
Christopher Csikszentmihályi from MIT’s Center for Future Civic Media talks about co-teaching a class on building mobile tools for social change. (The applications mentioned in this post are probably the most innovative work going on in the field today. If want to get a good solid idea of what the future of journalism and activism…
Carnival of Journalism: Five positive predictions for new media in 2009
For this month’s Carnival of Journalism, Dave Cohn is asking for positive (if possible) predictions for the new media world of 2009. How about 5? Mobile video streaming goes mainstream: Probably tied to disaster/breaking news reporting from non-professionals, a la 9/11 blogs, the YouTube tsunami of 2004, Flickr bombings of 2005, and the livetweeted siege…
Cinch – blogtalkradio
Call the phone number, record a podcast, get an RSS feed. Pretty darn simple. Cinch – blogtalkradio
Rebooting Your Newsroom – The UpTake
Video of Steve Garfield talking to newspaper folks about mobile video. via @chuckumentary. Rebooting Your Newsroom – The UpTake