Tag: Media Theory
Riders on the Storm
David Brooks on how recent Internet use research continues to dismantle Cass Sunstein’s original “Daily Me” thesis. Riders on the Storm
Is this the democratization of media or a Media Republic?
A massive new report from the Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University takes on some of the most important questions about change in the world of journalism — and to be more precise, change in the world of information distribution, consumption, and participation. I talked with project leader Persephone Miel during a…
Notes from Sergey Brin and Chris Anderson on building participatory systems to scale
Chris Anderson takes notes on the Long Tail at a Sergey Brin talk that turns to participation and scale. It turns out, Brin through no one would show up to populate Wikipedia with articles: “But he was wrong, he says, because he–even he!–had underestimated the way scale can change the game. Sure, the experts say…
Everybody’s Talking Heads
I’ve seen David Byrne’s blog post about a visit to the New York Times in too many places today to figure out where I saw it first. Here’s my favorite graf: “At present, it is mostly the ads in the Style section, and the glossy Sunday and T magazines that pay for a disproportionate amount…
Comment trouble at the Arizona Daily Star
Danny Sanchez points out an explainer from the Executive Editor of the Arizona Daily Star on why comments were deleted from some stories: “While we created the reader comments feature to give readers a place to talk, StarNet is still our house. And our editors and staff simply do not want guests who make vulgar,…
I was in Boston all weekend, cut me some slack
I was in Boston all weekend. First time really walking around in the city. It felt a lot like New York, except that people in Red Sox hats kept popping up everywhere. Where do these people think they are? Is that guy wearing a Patriots shirt? WTF? Every time I go to a new vegetarian…
How to juggle multimedia and Digg interactivity
In two back-channel online news discussions this week, folks have been debating how newspapers should be gathering video and how they should handle comment moderation. The video discussion among Howard Owens, Mindy McAdams, and others, is notable because the question is no longer IF newspapers should be running video online (Yes) or HOW they should…
I just checked in to see what condition my condition was in
My thesis proposal was conditionally approved yesterday, which means I can go ahead and start navigating the murky waters of the human subjects paperwork required by IRB. Once that’s in motion, I’ll make the expected changes that the committee wants, and submit the updates to my primary advisor. Meanwhile, the Sloan/McCune New Media class and…