Tag: local news
Wiki what? Wiki who? Wiki why?
Carlos Virgen rounds up some thoughts on wiki use by news organizations, but I always get the feeling that most reporters and editors stop reading at the word “wikitorial,” freak out, and hide under the desks. Still here? Good. Carlos has a great idea about using a wiki as a “contextual archive” for related stories.…
Carnival of Journalism: Are we asking the right questions about online revenue models?
As is my habit, I’m running behind on my Carnival of Journalism post this month, set to the timely and tuneful whistles and bangs of talk about whether a newspaper’s online revenue could support the newsroom, how long the newspaper of record will keep the press running, and what a major metro in a failed…
Looking back: My year at the Santa Cruz Sentinel
For those of you unfamiliar with my personal and professional timeline, I worked at the Santa Cruz Sentinel from October 2006 through the end of September 2007, first in a position accurately titled Webmaster, and later as the Online Editor, working in a mostly bright, young newsroom in downtown Santa Cruz, blocks from the Pacific…
Carnival of Journalism: Five positive predictions for new media in 2009
For this month’s Carnival of Journalism, Dave Cohn is asking for positive (if possible) predictions for the new media world of 2009. How about 5? Mobile video streaming goes mainstream: Probably tied to disaster/breaking news reporting from non-professionals, a la 9/11 blogs, the YouTube tsunami of 2004, Flickr bombings of 2005, and the livetweeted siege…
Dear Blogosphere, There’s more to newspapers than The New York Times
I’ve been holding back on this for a long time, and I write enough about the Web development team at nytimes.com enough to be held to this as well, but really, I’m incredibly tired of reading media and technology bloggers debate the future of news as if the only existing newspaper in the world is…
Further notes on how investigative journalism continues in online-only news organizations
From a New York Times story on VoiceOfSanDiego.org and other onlne-only local news organizations doing original reporting and investigative journalism: The people who run the local news sites see themselves as one future among many, and they have a complex relationship with traditional media. The say that the deterioration of those media has created an…
Placeblogger: More human than ever
Check out the redesigned Placeblogger a 2007 Knight News Challenge winner. The aggregation-by-location niche seems to be blowing up lately, especially as startups try to hitch their maps to the iPhone’s wagon, but Placeblogger feels like real live humans are writing blog posts in real live places. I like that. via the Knight Foundation Blog.…
Dealing with the elephant: Incremental change
This is the second post in a short series I’m going to write about the business model for online news before I go back to my usual divisive blathering about how to avoid bureaucracy and feed trolls. The starting point, the givens in the equation, are listed here. Suggest what I should tackle next using…
The stenography ends here
A few takeaways from this morning’s presentations at the Knight Foundation meeting today in Chicago: The stenography ends here. The days of chasing cops and government down for raw data (crime blotter, etc.) to parse into 8 inch stories is coming to an end. Everyblock and the Sunlight Foundation are a good start. More projects…
You can be a journalist without a job at a mainstream news organization
That headline seems obvious, no? Then why is it that when journalists see layoffs, buyouts, and newspaper companies in trouble, they sigh and say “Should I stop wasting my time and start applying to advertising agencies?” Really? Here are a few ways you be a journalist without a full-time job at a mainstream news organization:…