Tag: Knight News Challenge
Announcing: ReportingOn 2.0 is live
ReportingOn 2.0 is live and ready for your questions. And answers. It’s still the backchannel for your beat, but it’s an absolute re-imagining of the network. For those of you who haven’t been keeping score, ReportingOn is a project funded by the Knight News Challenge, and it’s a place for journalists of all stripes to…
Highlights from four days with my head in a blender full of wildly intelligent people
What follows is intended as a brief personal braindump from the four days I spent in Cambridge, Ma. last week, most of it deeply entrenched in the guts of #KNCMIT, a conference hosted by the MIT Center for Future Civic Media featuring Knight News Challenge winners from 2007-2009, and the announcement of this year’s winners.…
Upcoming proof of my physical existence: Boston and Pittsburgh
I’ll be showing up in person in at least two different places outside the lush springtime confines of Western New York over the next few weeks, believe it or not. The rough details Next week, I’ll be in Cambridge, Ma. at MIT for the Future of News and Civic Media Conference, including the announcements of…
Why train programmers as journalists?
Over at IdeaLab, Rich Gordon shares his exit interview with Brian Boyer and Ryan Mark, the first two programmers to earn a Master’s degree through Medill’s Knight News Challenge-funded scholarship. Because it’s fucking important. Thanks to the News Challenge, I’ve had the chance to meet Brian and Ryan and hang out with them a bit.…
What your news organization can learn from the Crunchberry project
First, two items for the glossary so I can make sorted references to mixed berries in this post: Crunchberry.org = The virtual home of the Medill J-School’s Knight News Challenge grantee programmer/journalists. Newsmixer.us = The demo of the community conversation application the Crunchberry team built for the Cedar Rapids Gazette, a newspaper in Iowa which…
Sunday morning links: Data, DocumentCloud, and the Obama Bounce for news
A few things I haven’t had time yet to dig deeper on, but maybe you will: Eric Ulken offers of 10 pieces of advice at OJR, based on his experience building the data desk at the LA Times: “4. Go off the reservation: No matter how good your IT department is, their priorities are unlikely…
Placeblogger: More human than ever
Check out the redesigned Placeblogger a 2007 Knight News Challenge winner. The aggregation-by-location niche seems to be blowing up lately, especially as startups try to hitch their maps to the iPhone’s wagon, but Placeblogger feels like real live humans are writing blog posts in real live places. I like that. via the Knight Foundation Blog.…
Community-funded news launches at Spot.Us
Fellow Knight News Challenge 2008 winner David Cohn took the wraps off the latest iteration of Spot.Us over the last few days, launching an engine for community-funded reporting from donation to publication. Here’s the explanatory video: http://vimeo.com/moogaloop.swf?clip_id=2041615&server=vimeo.com&show_title=1&show_byline=1&show_portrait=0&color=ff9933&fullscreen=1 Spot.Us – Community Funded Reporting Intro from Digidave on Vimeo. I love the idea that Spot.Us could do…
Snapshots from the future of online student news
Those of you (er, both of you) who have been following this blog since its outset (onset?) in February 2005 will recall that I first got involved with the actual production of online news at the Spartan Daily, the student newspaper of San Jose State University, where I remain a graduate student, believe it or…