Tag: jobs
Seriously, when did we start calling new job news “personal news” and why? It’s professional news. It’s just me, getting a new job. Personal news is “we adopted a dog” (we did!) or “we’re having another kid” (we’re not!) or maybe “we’re moving to New York” (also not happening!). But other things *are* happening. Personal…
Virgin Galactic is hiring. Astronauts.
Virgin Galactic is hiring. Astronauts. Job listing right here. “Virgin is looking for pilots with significant experience of both high performance fast-jet type airplanes as well as large multi-engine types – not only that but prior spaceflight experience is an advantage.” [Emph. orig.] (via jkrums)
VIDEO: The Google Job Experiment
Excellent way to grab the attention of the people you want to work for: Buy AdWords search spots for their own names. They Google themselves and then… VIDEO: The Google Job Experiment
Be a silobuster
Remember the great print vs. online war of 1995-2005? Well, some of you are probably still fighting this war, eh? Not everyone got the news yet, but the war is over, and the silobusters won. Anyway, you’re going to think this is crazy, but lately I’ve spotted a new silo developing, over there in the…
Internships at the Las Vegas Sun and the Greenspun Newsroom
Rob Curley puts out the seasonal call for interns in Las Vegas. Seriously recommended. Internships at the Las Vegas Sun and the Greenspun Newsroom
Marketing and Community Host for the next generation news service
Work with Pierre Omidyar and John Temple for Peer News in Honolulu. Marketing and Community Host for the next generation news service
How Twitter saved Mark Luckie’s career
I’ve been meaning to write about Mark “10,000 Words” Luckie’s “How Twitter saved my career… and my life” post since he wrote it, but haven’t had a chance yet. If you want a good idea of what publishing an excellent blog and maintaining a presence in social media channels can do, in the face of…
On the first day of film school at NYU…
…one department head or another asked the 140 freshman wanna-be Spielbergs/Godards/Raimis* in the room to raise their hand if they wanted to be a Director. Many, including me, raised our hands. The faculty response: “You’ll be lucky if four of you make it.” (I’m paraphrasing. This happened in 1994.) When I talk to journalism students,…
Thanks, Howard.
As you may or may not have heard by now, my boss at the office, Howard Owens, has moved on. I just want to take a moment to publicly say thanks to Howard here, and more than obviously, to wish him the best in whatever endeavor other people might call his “job” next. Personally, I…