Tag: interview
New at IdeaLab: An interview with Baghdad Brian
Over at IdeaLab, I’ve interviewed Baghdad Brian, who I met in October 2007 at the first Networked Journalism summit Jeff Jarvis threw at CUNY. At the time, Brian was raising money to keep Alive in Baghdad going, and we did everything but pass a hat around the room to try to back him up. The…
At IdeaLab: Paul Bradshaw on crowdsourcing investigative journalism
Over at IdeaLab, I’ve been way past deadline for a post, after (again) making all sorts of promises about helping out more over there. Until now. After playing the modern equivalent of phone tag (Twitter DMs and e-mail across two operating systems and one ocean) for a week or so, Paul Bradshaw and I landed…
IdeaLab: One week of ReportingOn, international style
Yes, yes, I know I haven’t written much here lately, but my reading and blogging time is mostly getting happily occupied with development on ReportingOn, which has been open for a week now in a public beta. The most noticeable thing about ReportingOn so far is the strong Spanish- and Portugeuse-speaking turnout. Seriously, North America,…
Slashdot | Ask an Expert About the Future of ‘Citizen Journalism’
The expert in question is Jay Rosen, and as is par for the course, the Slashdot community’s own responses to itself are the feature here, plus keeping track of all the j-geeks hidden in the woodwork. Slashdot | Ask an Expert About the Future of ‘Citizen Journalism’
NPR : The Art of the Interview, ESPN-Style
Get Sawatskied… NPR : The Art of the Interview, ESPN-Style
Micro Persuasion: Reinventing the Media Interview
Some A-List bloggers are talking about not doing interviews by phone, thus making my life more difficult. Seriously. I much prefer the organic movement of a vocal conversation than e-mail or a blog post. Micro Persuasion: Reinventing the Media Interview
Paris Review with Henry Miller
“I think these questions are meaningless. What does it matter how long it takes to write a book?” Paris Review with Henry Miller