Tag: futurist

  • Back to the Internet’s Future

    Once in a while, I take a look through some of the links I’ve been saving, sharing, and publishing in the sidebar of my blog, Twitter, and a few other places, and try to scrape the pixelly cream off the top to immortalize (until the links break, anyway) a little bit of the Web, hung…

  • Carnival of Journalism: Five positive predictions for new media in 2009

    For this month’s Carnival of Journalism, Dave Cohn is asking for positive (if possible) predictions for the new media world of 2009. How about 5? Mobile video streaming goes mainstream: Probably tied to disaster/breaking news reporting from non-professionals, a la 9/11 blogs, the YouTube tsunami of 2004, Flickr bombings of 2005, and the livetweeted siege…

  • Next Newspaper

    Funny thing about the newspaper business. If you’re interested in innovation, you find yourself constantly trying to demonstrate the present to people with their feet (and desks, workflow, and hierarchy) planted firmly in the past. And while The Future of Newspapers mostly gets ink for being bleak, the future of news does not blink, or…

  • The word Kindle makes me think of burning books

    All branding aside, the oncoming launch of Amazon’s e-paper device essentially begins the practical discussion about e-paper in earnest. Books are a neat trick, but I’m pretty exclusively thinking in terms of the future of newspapers here. Things to pay attention to: EVDO: This device has ubiquitous Internet access when in cell range. That’s good.…

  • Why I love the Internet

    Because shortly before our daughter arrived, I ordered a webcam from Amazon. It was here when we got back from the hospital, and it took about 15 minutes of setup to start streaming video via Skype to four grandparents spread across North and South America. The only hard part? Not scratching myself wrong in the…

  • Yes, that, the future, right there

    What was it I was just saying about the future? That newspapers need to keep pace with the Web lest they get leap-frogged and left for dead? Well, a little slice of the future was unveiled today. That’s one of the most impressive retail *things* I’ve ever seen. And of course, I want one, but…

  • $100 million for e-paper firm – maybe you should start thinking about the future

    Red Herring reports a British e-paper company locked up $100 million in venture capital. “The company plans to build the plant, with an initial capacity of a million displays a year, in the eastern Germany city of Dresden and start production in 2008. The company said demand for electronic readers is expected to climb to…

  • Note to newspaper companies: Keep your print layout off my screen

    Hey guys, let’s make a deal: You stop trying to paste an old media model (print layout) on a new medium (e-paper, UMPC, tabletPC), and I’ll keep reading the stories I want to read, when I want to read them, either via RSS feeds from your paper, or when a blog I trust links to…

  • Northwestern J-School dean takes the long view

    In this Q & A, John Lavine lays out “Medill 2020,” a plan to develop the Medill J-School at Northwestern University. Medill seems to be doing all the right things: Planning to get students out of their silos and into classes that teach them storytelling, ethics, and basic journalistic principles, regardless of their medium of…

  • Your paperboy called. He says he’s made of fiberoptic cable. And your micropayment is late.

    Here’s why the “but-I-like-inky-fingers” crowd should relax: After most news organizations get their online operations in full swing, but before newsprint goes completely extinct, e-paper will emerge as the daily medium for information. This is old news, but with all the hand-wringing over what to do about a business model for the new newspaper, I…