Tag: editors
Editor as star
A brash public personality running a newspaper: Is this German editor a throwback or a modern rock star? Editor as star
Why commenting on news sites still stinks: Further notes on the commenting survey results
The most striking conclusion I’ve come to based on the results of the commenting survey that 49 online news folks answered over the last week or two was this: Commenting on news stories is still broken. Busted. Stinks. It’s a mudpit. Still. I’ve been writing about how to improve commenting on news sites for a…
I like it when you’re angry
So I’m the last person in the world to blog about AngryJournalist.com, a good (albeit a little twisted) deed done by Kiyoshi Martinez to give folks a place to vent in public, anonymously. While I would certainly prefer that you do something potentially productive with your time other than whine about how little of it…
A vote for change…
We talk a lot in the circles I run in about a new skillset for reporters and about how a wired journalist in 2008 should be keeping up with the technologies and communities that are quickly looking like Michael Johnson in 1996, looking back at newspapers over their shoulder, smugly. Yoni Greenbaum walks right into…