Tag: community management
Link: How to Use the “Network Density” Formula to Measure the Health of a Community
I’m a sucker for engagement formulas, especially when they help provide a means to quantitatively track something that sounds as fluffy and qualitative as “the health of a community.” Great ideas here for community managers and related parties: How to Use the “Network Density” Formula to Measure the Health of a Community
Customer service, community management, and comment threads
If you’re reading this, you’ve probably been on one side (or quite possibly the other) of an exchange that goes something like this: PERSON AT NEWSPAPER WITH WEB-RELATED JOB: Sentinel, this is Ryan, how can I help you? USER: Your website’s all wrong. PANWWRJ: Really? What’s wrong? USER: You don’t use XMLT 4.1. It’s still…
Catch up or get left behind
I’ve been a nomad for a few days in the middle of a short-by-my-standards 300+ mile move from the suburbs of Rochester, NY to the suburbs of Washington D.C. and boy are my legs tired. But I’m catching up on my reading, and found a few things to share with you on the theme of…