Tag: carnival

  • November Carnival of Journalism: What would the Obama campaign do?

    Pretty much every single industry that involves convincing consumers that your product, or idea, or business is a great idea has been strafed with a raft of “What [Your Industry Here] Can Learn From Barack Obama” blog posts lately, and journalism is no exception. This month’s Carnival of Journalism, which I’m late for due to…

  • October Carnival of Journalism: How to move the needle in your newsroom today

    Journerdist-In-Chief Will Sullivan hosts this month’s resurgent Carnival of Journalism, asking the following: “What are small, incremental steps one can make to fuel change in their media organization?” I’ve mentioned some incremental steps you take to grow a little revenue at a time recently, and there’s a list of free or cheap tools for online…

  • May Carnival of Journalism

    I’m jumping the gun on putting up this post to serve as the center ring for the May Carnival of Journalism. Earlier today, I asked the list of carnivalers to consider answering this question at the core of driving innovation at mainstream news organizations: What should news organizations stop doing, today, immediately, to make more…

  • The Carnival of Journalism is coming to this here town

    In some alternate universe back in January, I thought this would be a cool weekend to host the Carnival of Journalism.  That’s just crazy talk, but nevertheless, I hope to serve you well as ringmaster this Memorial Day weekend. The party gets started Saturday and Sunday. Check out last month’s carnival, hosted by Yoni Greenbaum,…