Year: 2009
Blog posts I have written and not written this year
Hey, would ya look at that, the year’s almost over. And while I’m not the biggest fan of arbitrary divisions of time, I sure do like making lists. Year-end lists are little nuggets of candy that fall from the sky like sweet, sweet hail, and every now and then, it’s the end of a decade,…
What I would fund: An imaginary challenge for news business models
Last night, I was browsing this year’s public Knight News Challenge entries ahead of the midnight deadline to enter, and I caught myself thinking about what the project doesn’t fund when it comes to supporting journalism. And the answer appears to be business models. My friends at the Foundation might dispute this, or maybe not,…
Items that recently have caught my attention
Reading The Top 10 Stories You Missed in 2009 Published at Foreign Policy on December 14, 2009. Global warming, international relations, Iraq, Chechnya, and more — but not the headlines you were expecting. An important year-end list from Foreign Policy magazine, spotted via From a naval alliance that could shift the military balance of…
How to Make an Interactive Area Graph
Nathan at FlowingData provides this Actionscript/Flash tutorial on how to build a graph that looks a bit like those baby name explorers and unemployment charts you’ve seen lately. How to Make an Interactive Area Graph
B.N.E., the Graffiti Writer, Gets a Manhattan Exhibition
I have no problem with graffiti artists making money while staying anonymous — after all, I do own a copy of Banksy’s book — but I do have a problem with BNE getting fame just for getting up. Ubiquity is easy. Telling a story is much more difficult. B.N.E., the Graffiti Writer, Gets a Manhattan…
Top 10 Internet of Things Products of 2009
I continue to be fascinated by the busy intersections where the physical world and the Internet overlap. Here’s a solid roundup of products making that happen in 2009. Top 10 Internet of Things Products of 2009
VIDEO: Twoddler: Twittering Toddlers
Hey, I’d actually use something like this, but, uh, not for every action my toddler takes. Like that plant that tweets when it needs water, but different. VIDEO: Twoddler: Twittering Toddlers
Updating Flash Journalism
Mindy McAdams on why her 2005 book is out of date, how she’s getting her students caught up, and how you can follow along. Updating Flash Journalism
Explore a whole new way to window shop, with Google and your mobile phone
QR codes + Google business listings = Yelp killer? Maybe. But aren’t QR codes so 2007? I thought Augmented Reality was the 2009 solution to this problem. Explore a whole new way to window shop, with Google and your mobile phone
Mark the Spot iPhone App Tells AT&T Where They Suck – At&t – Gizmodo
AT&T crowdsources data on locations where they can’t keep up a call up for more than 30 seconds, which include my home, office, car, and most of Loudoun County. Downloading it right now. Mark the Spot iPhone App Tells AT&T Where They Suck – At&t – Gizmodo