Twitter take-up Tuesday brought me Clarence

⚠️ This post is more than five years old. Links may rot, opinions may change, and context might be missing. Proceed with cautious optimism.

I’m not going to go into much detail or analysis of what happened to Twitter today, other to point out that this blog post by Jeremiah Owyang started it and became a hub for at least 300 people to connect to each other, and thus to each other’s networks.

“Quite simply, my whole hustle is that,
‘I do me’.” — Clarence

I enjoyed making some new Twitter friends (20 or so), got a good answer to a good question, answered another one, promoted myself (hi new blog readers!) and then Eric Rice led me to DYKC.

And my day was made.

From a recent blog post at Do You KNOW Clarence:

“Whenever I meet new people, one of the first things they ask me regarding Do You KNOW Clarence? is what I do. Maybe the assumption is that since I’ve developed this brand, I must do something that warrants spotlighting myself with a clever tagline. Quite simply, my whole hustle is that, ‘I do me’.”

And he does. Subscribed.

So if you haven’t posted a comment on Jeremiah’s post with your Twitter link yet, go do so now, and find some interesting people in that thread to follow.

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