Upgrade in progress; mind the gap

⚠️ This post is more than five years old. Links may rot, opinions may change, and context might be missing. Proceed with cautious optimism.

I’m in the middle of an upgrade to WordPress 2.3, but I’m getting pulled away to other duties before I finish straightening out importing old UTW tags to the new 2.3 built-in tagging hotness.

So a few things, like tags, are broken at the moment. I’ll update later (tonight?) when I fix them.

But, hey, wouldn’t you be having more fun if you were looking at Wooster Collective, Monoscope, or Your Daily Awesome?

Yeah, I thought so.

UPDATE: Heck, that was easy. The right button is at Manage/Import, where you can import tags from several different plugins (including the all-powerful UTW) as well as the usual RSS/old blog importers. Thanks WP posse!

ANOTHER UPDATE: Progress – I’ve switched out the tag calls in single.php, index.php, and sidebar.php, leaving me with some questions about tag.php, UTW related posts, and whether or not I’ll be able to just turn UTW off. We shall see.

AND THERE’S MORE: So I’ve got UTW turned off now. I found the correct call to run the tag.php page in the files for Sandbox 1.0. And of course, now I have plans to upgrade my theme to that version, but because I can’t leave well enough alone, it will take some time and effort to work in all my little modifications. Yet another redesign is tempting… Anyway, I might still be getting a database error (post2cat, eh?) when I save this post again. I’ll find out right now. Ah! No database errors, which means the problem was in UTW and not in old Sandbox code. Good. Now I’m off to find a new Related Posts plugin. Suggestions?  Nevermind. That was remarkably easy.

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