New York Times on e-paper

⚠️ This post is more than five years old. Links may rot, opinions may change, and context might be missing. Proceed with cautious optimism.

“One Day Soon, Straphangers May Turn Pages With a Button”

The New York Times reports on the move some newspapers are already making to e-paper:

“This is only one test of new e-paper devices competing to become the iPod of the newspaper business. Other e-paper trials are being undertaken by the paper Les Echos, which is based here, by the newspaper trade group IFRA in Germany and, in the United States, by The New York Times….The International Herald Tribune, which is owned by The New York Times Company, is also in discussions to make subscriptions available later this year for the same e-paper devices used by De Tijd, according to Michael Golden, the International Herald Tribune’s publisher.”

Engadget provides some recent updates on the technology.

Here’s my little futurist riff on the topic from a few weeks ago.

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One response to “New York Times on e-paper”

  1. Roman Avatar

    Boo! Do you still keep in touch with anyone else from Cullowhee?