Edupodding 101

⚠️ This post is more than five years old. Links may rot, opinions may change, and context might be missing. Proceed with cautious optimism.

This guy just spoke in my undergrad journalism class. He’s Steve Sloan, and he’s talking about professors using podcasting as a means to deliver lectures. For some reason I have a flashback to Rodney Dangerfield showing up to class and finding a tape recorder on every seat, and eventually, the prof. has left his recording playing as the joke recurs throughout the movie.

I like the idea that podcasting can be free radio – forget all those scenes of local pirate radio subversives getting raided by the feds – podcasting might not be as inexpensive as a radio (yet), but there it is – a means to get your information/news/propaganda/advertising/ego-trip/music anything you want out online, with your voice and tunes and ideas intact.

For now, when I miss a class, I’ll just copy someone’s notes.


One response to “Edupodding 101”

  1. […] I’ve just used the “Import” function in WordPress 2.0 to add to this blog the first few posts I wrote over on a Blogger blog back in February of last year. Apparently, my first post (not counting a cryptic one-line introduction from December of 2003 that sat idle for 13 months or so) was about Steve Sloan’s visit to an Internet Information Gathering class I was in. About nine days after that, I got Scobleized. […]