Tag: users
Sign Up Forms Must Die – A List Apart
Well, not die, exactly, but flip the script: Users upload or edit a piece of content, then when it’s time to publish, cue them to fill out a form. First, give them the lollipop, then, ask for their nickel. Sign Up Forms Must Die – A List Apart
Sprucing up your User Profile Pages – Thingymajig
A few useful hunks of code to play with when developing Drupal user profile templates. Sprucing up your User Profile Pages – Thingymajig
Banner Blindness: Old and New Findings (Jakob Nielsen’s Alertbox)
Your banner advertising, at any CPM, is frigging invisible to users. So sayeth the annoying usability guy, and on this, I’ll bow down to his eyetrack study. via Will. Banner Blindness: Old and New Findings (Jakob Nielsen’s Alertbox)
Joomla! Extensions Directory – Blogg-X
A desktop publishing tool for Joomla. Allows users to upload content without logging into the browser UI. a la Ecto. Joomla! Extensions Directory – Blogg-X
Joomla! Extensions Directory – myContent
“Authors can now see all their content in one list, which means they can edit unpublished items from the front end. If they have access to publish items, they publish content with one click from the mycontent list.” Joomla! Extensions Directory – myContent