Hodson and Dedman on Video Blogging – Steve Sloan
Video of Ryanne and Jay’s presentation in Prof. McCune’s class, shot by a student in Steve Sloan’s class, posted on Steve’s blog. Hodson and Dedman on Video Blogging – Steve Sloan
Immigration Rally – Spartan Daily Soundslides
The Daily’s audio slideshow on yesterday’s immigration rally in San Jose. Awesome to see the paper posting slideshows and I hear there are not one, not two, but three editors on the online side of things next fall. Helloooo tipping point. Immigration Rally – Spartan Daily Soundslides
Mercury News | San Jose State 150
The 150th anniversary Flash package on San Jose State University from the Merc. Love the way the interview videos are broken up into the 5 questions. Mercury News | San Jose State 150
Breaking News – No New Spartan Stadium – Kyle Hansen
Spartan Daily writer posts about breaking news at thespartandaily.com late in the afternoon. Which means the editors are posting through the CMS without waiting for tomorrow’s print edition, or for an automatic shoveling overnight. Great job. Breaking News – No New Spartan Stadium – Kyle Hansen
The JMC Journal: Congrats to Yvonne Pingue!
An SJSU student is one of 30 from around the country tapped for Gannett’s information center training program. That’s frigging awesome. I totally forgive her for putting that statue in the Daily’s masthead now. The JMC Journal: Congrats to Yvonne Pingue!
Kicking it East Coast style
No, not me. I’m still firmly planted a short walk from Monterey Bay, but a group of SJSU students spent Spring Break in the land known casually as Back East in these parts.
Newspapers Are Dead – Scoble
Robert references Dave and Tim’s posts in the context of his visits to SJSU and what hasn’t changed. I set him straight in the comments about what has changed. Newspapers Are Dead – Scoble
Spartan Daily Podcast – Photojournalism From A Student’s Eye
Ah, the sweet sounds of microphones getting plugged into Edirol R-09s at San Jose State University. Rumor has it there are some point & shoots floating around as well. Show the reporters the video setting, and turn them loose. Tell them to have fun. Spartan Daily Podcast – Photojournalism From A Student’s Eye
Mardi Gras – The Soapbox Prophet
Looks like Andrew was doing a bit of citizen journalism around SJSU during the Mardi Gras festivities last night. Please don’t ask me why there’s Mardi Gras rowdiness in San Jose. Anyway, he even gets a quote from Sgt. Noriega, a familiar UPD PIO. Mardi Gras – The Soapbox Prophet
Further notes on the new journalism skillset
Andrew Venegas, a journalism student at San Jose State University, asks in comments: “How many skills do you think an online editor/reporter needs? Is HTML and CSS enough? Do you need to know Flash, Photoshop and Premiere Pro as well? How about Sound Studio? All in all, working for the paper you do today, how…