Tag: reporting
An A1 centerpiece without a headline
Today’s Newark Star-Ledger centerpiece story runs without a headline. Intentionally: Charles Apple notes a piece of engaging print design on the front page. It’s a seemingly banal photograph with three grafs of text above it that draw the reader in, revealing at their close the backstory of the image. It works well.
Andy Carvin, human verification machine
Is This the World’s Best Twitter Account? Craig Silverman talks with Andy Carvin about covering revolution from afar, performing atomized acts of journalism to connect individual tweets to sourcing, evidence, witnesses, and narrative.
Solid notes on the evolution of the beat
Solid notes on the evolution of the beat: A set of slides from Matt Thompson on the shift from “Stories to Streams.” Included: A briefly imagined alternate history of how the Enron story might break in 2011. You should follow Matt on Twitter.
Wikileaks and The New York Times
Wikileaks and The New York Times: Wade Keller confirms what I, for one, suspected about the relationship between the two. Assange was (mostly) treated as a source of data, but as with all sources, it’s a complicated relationship.
Texas statehouse press corps arms themselves. To use the express lane.
Texas statehouse press corps arms themselves. To use the express lane at capitol security. What? via
Looser than average ends
Let’s just dig into the bucket of links I’ve been mailing myself from Tweetie, er, Twitter for the iPhone, and see what we can tie together here… There is now a “Share on Twitter” bookmarklet for your Web browser that pairs rather nicely with the recently released “Tweet” button for your website. (An aside: There should…
The Pacification of Rio’s Favelas
This is a great roundup of stories and videos on what’s going on inside the worst neighborhoods in Rio. (As always, I wonder out loud why I haven’t seen any of these stories in the mainstream media, but of course it’s naive of me to assume there is still such a thing as a mainstream.…