Tag: predictions
The Internet? Bah!
Clifford Stoll’s 1995 predictions included “…no computer network will change the way government works.” The Internet? Bah!
Carnival of Journalism: Five positive predictions for new media in 2009
For this month’s Carnival of Journalism, Dave Cohn is asking for positive (if possible) predictions for the new media world of 2009. How about 5? Mobile video streaming goes mainstream: Probably tied to disaster/breaking news reporting from non-professionals, a la 9/11 blogs, the YouTube tsunami of 2004, Flickr bombings of 2005, and the livetweeted siege…
Predictify, Inc. – Tap Into Collective Wisdom, Make Money by Predicting Future Events
Freakonomics co-branded Predictify thingie. Worth a look for news orgs with some scale – major metro like the Merc could run this with predictions about Silicon Valley start-ups in a fun way. Predictify, Inc. – Tap Into Collective Wisdom, Make Money by Predicting Future Events