Tag: Peru
IdeaLab: One week of ReportingOn, international style
Yes, yes, I know I haven’t written much here lately, but my reading and blogging time is mostly getting happily occupied with development on ReportingOn, which has been open for a week now in a public beta. The most noticeable thing about ReportingOn so far is the strong Spanish- and Portugeuse-speaking turnout. Seriously, North America,…
El Comercio Perú | Audios de la corrupción, Paro de la CGTP, Selección nacional, Temblor en Lima, Noticias Perú
A gorgeous newspaper.com homepage. They lead with video, follow it with a brilliant breaking news grid that rotates through a variety of sections, then the reader finds themselves in front of a console of information, from soccer schedules (mapped) to stock markets. El Comercio Perú | Audios de la corrupción, Paro de la CGTP, Selección…