Tag: parenting
Family road trip, Summer 2018
We left the dog and the house and the garden behind, told them all to be good, and took off up Route 15, across the Potomac, retracing our usual path past Cunningham Falls, into the territory in Central Pennsylvania.
My day at the3six5
Late last fall, when Daniel Honigman and Len Kendall were running around online talking about the3six5, a sort of social media experiment where a different person would write a post each day of the year 2010, I was interested. I claimed a day, choosing August 9, with the aim of taking a shot at the…
VIDEO: Twoddler: Twittering Toddlers
Hey, I’d actually use something like this, but, uh, not for every action my toddler takes. Like that plant that tweets when it needs water, but different. VIDEO: Twoddler: Twittering Toddlers
Offsprung: Your life didn’t end when you became a parent.
A parenting community/blog site for the Alternadad set. Offsprung: Your life didn’t end when you became a parent.