Tag: newsmixer

  • CommentPress – A WordPress Theme for Social Texts

    I’m looking for a WordPress plugin that allows Django Book / Newsmixer style paragraph-by-paragraph commenting. CommentPress looks like a whole theme built around that concept, which seems like overkill to me, but a) maybe that’s necessary and b) maybe pieces of it can be reverse-engineered? CommentPress – A WordPress Theme for Social Texts

  • What your news organization can learn from the Crunchberry project

    First, two items for the glossary so I can make sorted references to mixed berries in this post: Crunchberry.org = The virtual home of the Medill J-School’s Knight News Challenge grantee programmer/journalists. Newsmixer.us = The demo of the community conversation application the Crunchberry team built for the Cedar Rapids Gazette, a newspaper in Iowa which…