Tag: metrics
Telling the story of metrics inside your news organization
I’m presenting this at a Poynter event called Measuring Journalism on Nov. 10, 2017. My slides are available here, but I needed some blogging exercise, too. I love it when the numbers jump off the screen In my dozen-plus years in the news business, whenever I’m asked — often in a job interview — what…
An updated list of the “top” newspapers on Twitter
An updated list of the “top” newspapers on Twitter: Mathilde Piard cleans up one of the sillier “top newspapers on Twitter” lists to float around the web in recent months.
Toward meaningful metrics for local online news sites
In search of online news metrics that matter: “More meaningful metrics would translate visitor interest, disinterest and loyalty into numbers that can be viewed as a whole and within the context of particular site content types, classifications or products…” Toward meaningful metrics for local online news sites
Say goodbye to the page view as an ad metric – Terry Heaton
“The Wall St. Journal is reporting that Nielsen NetRatings will drop the page view as a metric to measure web traffic and instead rely more on time spent on a site. ComScore, according to the report, will also begin de-emphasizing page views.” Say goodbye to the page view as an ad metric – Terry Heaton
Website Statistics and Traffic Graphs comparing santacruzsentinel.com, mercurynews.com and insidebayarea.com
Fun with Alexaholic. Website Statistics and Traffic Graphs comparing santacruzsentinel.com, mercurynews.com and insidebayarea.com