Tag: journalism
Is Reddit journalism? The inevitable investigation.
If your interaction with Reddit is anything like mine, you’re a 9-percenter. Remember the 90-9-1 rule of online community interaction? Well, on Reddit, I rarely say a word, and I’ve probably never started a thread, but I do so enjoy their magical little UI for upvoting posts and comments, especially on my phone, often in…
Beyond Comment Threads
Beyond Comment Threads: A Mozilla journalism challenge on building better community conversations around the news. So far, nothing terrifyingly new. Paragraph-level commenting, Slashdot-style threading, collapsing, and moderation. And if I could figure out how to register for the site, with or without OpenID, I might be able to comment on the entries. (via PBS IdeaLab)
Andy Carvin, human verification machine
Is This the World’s Best Twitter Account? Craig Silverman talks with Andy Carvin about covering revolution from afar, performing atomized acts of journalism to connect individual tweets to sourcing, evidence, witnesses, and narrative.
Wikileaks and The New York Times
Wikileaks and The New York Times: Wade Keller confirms what I, for one, suspected about the relationship between the two. Assange was (mostly) treated as a source of data, but as with all sources, it’s a complicated relationship.
January 2011 Carnival of Journalism
January 2011 Carnival of Journalism: The role of Universities… Check out the massive roundup of posts examining how universities, news organizations, and communities can collaborate and operate in tomorrow’s local information ecosystem.
WikiLeaks and Julian Paul Assange
Reading the New Yorker’s piece on WikiLeaks, it’s hard to decide whether I’m reading about freedom fighters, skilled propagandists, or as is often the case, both. Without looking too deeply, I believe in what WikiLeaks is trying to do, but I’m profoundly worried to see here, for example, Tor server traffic mined for data. That’s…
Revenge? Chicago mayor to post FOIA requests online
Mayor Daley, paraphrased: You like transparency, reporters? How about I post all your FOIAs online? Revenge? Chicago mayor to post FOIA requests online