Tag: information+design
salary vs performance – ben fry
Baseball teams charted simply by record and payroll. The Devil Rays and Marlins are getting the most bang for their buck. My Yankees? Not so much. salary vs performance – ben fry
Hyacinth – Airbag Industries
“Exactly how and when did this happen? I just got off the phone with another in a long list of clients who used the word “bucket” several times during a conversation about information architecture.” Hyacinth – Airbag Industries
baby diaper tracking graphs – data visualization & visual design – information aesthetics
And here I was thinking I would use my thesis data as raw material to use as I play around with databases and graphics… baby diaper tracking graphs – data visualization & visual design – information aesthetics
The Page Paradigm – Good Experience
“On any given Web page, users will either click something that appears to take them closer to the fulfillment of their goal, or click the Back button on their Web browser.” The Page Paradigm – Good Experience
Your Data Dashboard For A Democratic Society – Data360
Useful stockpile of public records data and other reports, all graphicized for ease of comprehension. Your Data Dashboard For A Democratic Society – Data360
The State of the Union in Words: A Look at the 34,000 State of the Union Words Delivered of George W. Bush – New York Times
Data + Flash presentation + search = a damn fine, usable, informational package. Any thought of doing it for a few other presidents as well? Chart the use of the word “nuclear” in Reagan’s speeches? The State of the Union in Words: A Look at the 34,000 State of the Union Words Delivered of George…
data visualization & visual design – information aesthetics
When I say that I don’t think newspapers can catch up to the Web in category A, B, or C, this is the sort of thing I’m talking about. data visualization & visual design – information aesthetics