Tag: games
Current obsessions
In no particular order… Men In Blazers, a soccer podcast by Brits of some vintage, in New York City, mostly, for ESPN’s Grantland. Funny. Roadrunner, by Jonathan Richman and the Modern Lovers. Hay Day, an iPhone farm game. Or as we call it in my household (all members of the household, cats excluded) “the farm game” or…
Predictify, Inc. – Tap Into Collective Wisdom, Make Money by Predicting Future Events
Freakonomics co-branded Predictify thingie. Worth a look for news orgs with some scale – major metro like the Merc could run this with predictions about Silicon Valley start-ups in a fun way. Predictify, Inc. – Tap Into Collective Wisdom, Make Money by Predicting Future Events
Super Mario Brothers Deluxe Online Game
Why yes, I am standing at my desk playing Super Mario Bros. What of it? Super Mario Brothers Deluxe Online Game
iPredict – Entertainment – MSNBC.com
Rex, you appear to have too much fun at work. That’s not fair. (Note to self: Have more fun at work.) iPredict – Entertainment – MSNBC.com
NewsBreaker – MSNBC
Arkanoid + Headlines = I’m suddenly reading a wire story about exploding bidets. Not sure if that was their intention, but here I am with my eyeballs on their template, FWIW. via Fimoculous. NewsBreaker – MSNBC