Tag: friends
Bonds: Nothing to Fear But Fear Itself – BusinessWeek
I have no idea what Roben’s talking about, but I love the way he says it. That might be the reverse of how it was with us in high school, eh? Nah… Bonds: Nothing to Fear But Fear Itself – BusinessWeek
The fate of indie music as we know it | Salon News
Musician friend of mine quoted, 2nd page, 2nd graf from bottom. The fate of indie music as we know it | Salon News
If you can read Chinese, check out this interview with an old college/film business friend of mine, Jake Pollock. Feel free to send me a translation, while you’re at it. 自由電子報-影視焦點
A note to my acquaintances
Just a quick note to the many people I’ve met in the last year-and-change in graduate school: A single link from your blog, site, profile, or whatever to a single racist joke of any sort will make me hit the “unsubscribe” button to both your RSS feed and your credibility as a human being faster…