Tag: competition

  • It’s not the economy, stupid

    I’m sorry, but every time a newspaper executive discussing layoffs and buyouts blames things like “a drastic economic slump and the meltdown of the Bay Area housing market” I laugh. Are you kidding?  Is that a joke? Your profits are shrinking because The World Has Passed You By. For more than ten years newspaper companies…

  • Debunking the coulda-shoulda-woulda myth of online news

    I’m trying quite hard to stay out of the business of chasing after curmudgeons with a laptop in my hand, shouting “But you got it all wrong!” Trying. Quite. Hard. So let this be just a generic blanket response to a common misconception about the business of online news. The premise, as laid out in…

  • Your real competition

    You *think* your competition is the guy at the TV station who always rip-and-reads your stories, or the reporter on your beat at the major metro from the big city 12 miles away, or that alt-weekly with the nasty cartoonist, don’t you? Sorry, but that’s simply not the case. Oh, sure, your ad reps and…