Tag: comments
Gizmodo’s Comment System: How It Works and Why It’s Better
A great explanation of how comments work on Gawker blogs, powered by karma, Facebook Connect, and heavy moderation of new commenters before they’re set free on threads. Gizmodo’s Comment System: How It Works and Why It’s Better
Newspapers get the kind of communities they deserve
Mathew Ingram on one reason, among others he covers here, on why reporters should get involved with the community frequenting their stories: “Another thing that seems to escape many journalists is the direct connection between their own indifference to interacting with readers and the parlous state of their comments. If my research has taught me…
Comment on paragraphs – WordPress Plugin by andydickinson.net
Andy’s built a nice first draft of a NewsMixer/DjangoBook-like comments-on-paragraphs as a WordPress plugin. Comment on paragraphs – WordPress Plugin by andydickinson.net
BackType Connect Plugin for WordPress — BackType
Want to import Tweets, FriendFeed posts, Diggs, etc. that link to your post as comments in WordPress? Done. BackType Connect Plugin for WordPress — BackType
CommentPress – A WordPress Theme for Social Texts
I’m looking for a WordPress plugin that allows Django Book / Newsmixer style paragraph-by-paragraph commenting. CommentPress looks like a whole theme built around that concept, which seems like overkill to me, but a) maybe that’s necessary and b) maybe pieces of it can be reverse-engineered? CommentPress – A WordPress Theme for Social Texts
7 news story comment guidelines worth looking at | STL Social Media Guy
Kurt Greenbaum rounds up 7 reader comment guideline notes. 7 news story comment guidelines worth looking at | STL Social Media Guy
Why commenting on news sites still stinks: Further notes on the commenting survey results
The most striking conclusion I’ve come to based on the results of the commenting survey that 49 online news folks answered over the last week or two was this: Commenting on news stories is still broken. Busted. Stinks. It’s a mudpit. Still. I’ve been writing about how to improve commenting on news sites for a…
Commenting survey results
For a couple years now, I’ve been working with editors, reporters, and commenters on news sites taking the following hypothesis as a given: Commenters will be the most civil in the place that is the most public. For example, I expected commenters on news stories, where more people could see their words, to be more…
A quick survey about comments on your news site
I have a little theory. It’s my opinion that commenters — or anyone, really — is the most civil when they’re speaking in public and everyone can see who they are. So, I think that news site commenters/readers are most civil on news story comments, then blog posts, then message board threads. When I popped…
What your news organization can learn from the Crunchberry project
First, two items for the glossary so I can make sorted references to mixed berries in this post: Crunchberry.org = The virtual home of the Medill J-School’s Knight News Challenge grantee programmer/journalists. Newsmixer.us = The demo of the community conversation application the Crunchberry team built for the Cedar Rapids Gazette, a newspaper in Iowa which…